Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What do you think is better?

What is better? Hiring a well known cleaning company or individual?
There are many factors to consider with this question. Let's take an in depth look to each side.

Hiring a Company:

Many well to do companies have been established for more than 10 years. Although, like most companies, they started out small and grew. They are fully staffed and most likely drive company vehicles and maintain their own supplies and equipment. Not a bad thing really. But that is overhead that the company needs to incorporate when figuring out the rates to clean homes. A good company would also need to satisfy their staff by paying them a rate that will maintain the employees longevity with the company.
Too many companies pay poorly and attract less then desirable employees. Which then causes the "turnstyle" effect. Which means that employees don't stay on for very long and call off and do not show at all. Remember... the way the company treats their employees speaks volumes about the company itself.

Hiring an individual:

It's pretty scary hiring someone to come into your home and know little to nothing about the person. Any respectable person will have references... even if it's just one or two... to give a customer an idea of how well this person does. Establishing a repertoire is vital when it's just one on one. Most of my customers prefer an individual rather than have a crew of two or more in their home. Mainly, so they can keep an eye on who it is that is cleaning their house. I have heard some horror stories and I no longer wonder why people are paranoid.
Word of mouth is the best advertising hands down. Someone you trust recommends and individual and it's golden all the way. Someone is already familiar with your work and they feel the need to pass it along. So my advertising costs are at a minimal. I have mailed out post cards, advertised on Craigslist and handed out a boatload of business cards out to friends and family to pass out.

I don't think I will ever be one to advertise in the yellow pages, radio or television. I don't want to get that big. The overhead would be to high. I am not even sure I want to hire anyone on to help me either. Although there is one individual who has expressed interest and I may make the exception for her because she has been in the business working for another company for over 10 years. She is just sick of constantly having to train new hires and getting the brunt of attitude from unsatisfied customers. The company that she works for does not do background checks or drug test. To me that is absolutely a necessity if you are going to entrust another to represent your company. Theft is a big issue with cleaning companies. How could you not make every attempt to know the type of person you are thinking about hiring to protect your customers and yourself? To not do this is suicide and insane!

Of course I always like to get others perspectives so please feel free to share any thoughts or experiences you have had. I always appreciate it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are you the same sweetheart that I bumped into last week? You gave me one of your cards and I have been meaning to call you for a cleaning. Please let me know if you are that same woman. Thanks Lisa