Tuesday, December 23, 2008

EcoSense Product of the month is...

Tough & Tender. Which is an awesome multipurpose cleaner. It tackles messes with little to no effort on your part. Kitchen counters, cabinets, and appliances are no match for Tough & Tender. It has a light fresh scent and does not contain any harsh chemicals. This is one of my favorite products to use while cleaning my customers homes.

When I can, I will video the product in action so you won't have to rely on what I say but what your own eyes see! After the new year I will also be giving away this product in a contest that is brewing in my brain. Stay tuned and visit often!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Going forward and not looking back!

Today officially begins this blog! To celebrate I want to open up a Q&A forum. Any of you that have questions regarding cleaning and what products work best, please email them to me! I will answer your questions on my posts.

If you have noticed on my sidebar, I will be showcasing a product that I use in my own service, every month, and if you would like to know more about it, please ask away! Also I am looking to hold contests to give away some products to use in your own home!

I hope that you will leave this blog with a better understanding of how cleaners work, choosing an honest and reputable company in your own area (provided of course that I am not in your area) and maximize your own cleaning experience. I may even be generous and walk you through a step by step of how to open your own cleaning service company.

Stay tuned and come back often!