Friday, January 2, 2009

Tip #1 Saying goodbye to soap scum!

This is the first of this series. I have heard many people complain how soap scum is a tough bugger to get rid of. Not necessarily.

The key to keep soap scum from making your tub/shower look disgusting, is to maintain your tub/shower every time you bathe. It takes a few extra minutes after washing but it is well worth the aggravating 1-2 hours of scrubbing your arms off. Simply rinse down after you wash. Some people use a squeegee which is great and others use a damp cloth. Whatever item you have will work. But if you have years of build up that you can not get rid of then you need to bring out the big guns(Tub & Tile) and scrub till it is all gone. From there you will be able to maintain a cleaner tub/shower.

I have cleaned many of houses that seem to have never been thoroughly cleaned. These areas take up most of my time when cleaning homes. I am a perfectionist and I will not walk away from a challenge. I always recommend the maintenance after I am finished and surprisingly they have done exactly what I have asked of them.

If you would like to have a soap scum free tub/shower just follow my lead and you will be happy to be no longer scrubbing till the cows come home!

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